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Tag Archives: be careful for nothing

The bible tells us that we are not to worry about what we are to eat, drink or wear.  It also says that those who do not work, should not eat.  When we work, we prepare ourselves to eat.  When we do not work, we will likely worry about from where we will get our food.  Therefore, for the sake of the poor (those who are unable to provide for themselves, and those who are uninformed or ignorant about the need to prepare) we, who are able and enlightened, must work to take care of them.  God does not want us to turn our backs on them, telling them, “Don’t worry about what you will eat, drink or wear”?

There will come a time in history when no one will be able to buy or sell anything, including food, unless he has the mark of the beast.  Will those refusing to accept the mark, have to die of starvation because they did not prepare for these times?  Should they have to worry about from where their next meal will come, or should we start preparing now for them so they will be able to eat?